School health services contribute to the goals of the education system and the healthcare system by providing screenings and referrals, administering medications and treatments, providing first aid, providing health counseling and education, and supporting students to acquire self-management skills. The purpose of school health services is to ensure that all students are healthy and ready to learn. The school health team consists of the school physician, school nurse(s), and health assistants working in partnership with the student, his/her parents, the student’s primary healthcare provider(s).
The health office hours are 8:40 am to 3:50 pm. The PES Health office can be reached at 609-538-9800 5125 between those hours. The office is staffed by Nurse Wright and Nurse Trevor.
It is our belief that a healthy child ensures the development of a lifelong learner who is a productive citizen of the future. The Health Office's goals are to promote health and wellness for all our students in the following ways:
- Evaluate a student’s health status to ensure normal growth and development.
- Maintain state-mandated immunization records.
- Screen for vision, hearing, blood pressure, scoliosis and other medical issues and make referrals to parents when necessary.
- Provide prompt triage, first aid and referral as needed for illness and injuries at school.
- Ensure nursing care for students with chronic medical conditions.
- Promote a safe environment for students in school.
In order to best meet your child’s health and educational needs in school, it is requested that a parent/ guardian inform the school nurse of any health related issues, changes in medication, etc. The school staff who work with your child will be notified in a confidential manner of only specific health issues that may affect them in class. In addition, please notify the Health Office and Front Office of any change in emergency contact numbers and update your contact information in Genesis.
Medication Administration in School: NJ State law and regulations pertaining to administration of medications (prescribed and over the counter) in school requires completion of Permission for Administration of Medication in School Form by a Doctor, Dentist, or an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. The form must also be signed by a parent/guardian. Medication must be brought to the nurse by the parents in the original labeled container.
The School Nurse or a child’s parent/guardian are the only individuals authorized to dispense medication in the school and on school trips. Children are not allowed to carry their own medication. Rules for medication apply to prescription and non-prescription medicines. EpiPens and asthma inhalers may be carried by the student, provided there is written documentation by the student’s physician given to the nurse each school year.
ILL Child Policy: Regular school attendance is necessary for optimal learning. However, a mere presence at school does not ensure effective learning. A child must be feeling well in order to maximize the learning experience. In addition, a child who is sick and comes to school may spread the illness to other students and staff. The child needs to remain home if any of the following conditions are present:
- A fever (100 degrees or more without acetaminophen/Ibuprofen), diarrhea and/or vomiting must be excluded from school and symptom free (without fever reducing medication) for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school
- Need doctor’s note to return to school if a child has a contagious disease, rash of unknown origin and/ or has been absent for 3 or more days
Physical Exam Requirements
All pre-k, kindergarteners, 3rd, and 6th grade students, as well as, all new students entering the district are required to have physical exams by a primary care physician. You must have your physician complete the Universal Physical form. Physical exam reports from up to one year prior to the student's start date will be accepted. If you are moving to the United States and want to participate in a school sport, you must have a physical in the U.S.
School nurses also conduct health screenings periodically as required by the New Jersey Department of Education. These screenings may include checking a student's height, weight, blood pressure, vision, and hearing, and checking for scoliosis.
Please review the New Jersey Department of Health Immunization Guide for the minimum required number of vaccine doses (shots) that children must have in order to attend a New Jersey public school.
All students must be age-appropriately vaccinated for the grade they are entering. The New Jersey Department of Health recommends the following immunization schedule listed on the CDC website.
Nurse or Designee Administration of Medication (use only for glucagon and epipen)
The Ewing Public Schools continues to strive to keep our schools healthy and safe. As a community, if we all work together, this goal is possible if all stakeholders are mindful and respectful of health safety protocols.
Please remember, do not send your child to school if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, Flu, stomach virus or simply are just not feeling well.
Here are some reminders to keep your child healthy:
- Get adequate sleep. Children in preschool through grade six should get between nine and 11 hours a sleep a night.
- Please continue to emphasize proper hand-washing and hygienic practices to minimize the spread of viruses.
- Teach your child to keep their hands away from their face and to cough or sneeze into their arm or shoulder.
- Exercise daily. Help your child get 60 minutes of exercise a day.
- Reduce screen time.
- Practice healthy eating habits.