Parents Association
The National PTA sets the policies and goals that govern each and every level of PTA. The purposes of PTA are as follow:
To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, place of worship and community.
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
To bring into closer relationship the home and school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts to secure for all children and youth the highest advantage in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.
The basic policies and guiding principles which are the same for all levels of PTA, affirm that the organization shall:
1.Be educational. The basic aim is to help parents, teachers and other interested persons gain knowledge of the growth, development and needs of our children.
2.Be non-commercial, nonsectarian and non-partisan. The association shall work with schools to provide quality education for ALL children.
3.Cooperate with other agencies or organizations whose goals are in keeping with the PTA Objects.
4.Support legislation on the basis of issues or principles, not candidates or political parities.
PTA Team Descriptions
Budget and Finance: This team ensures the approved PTA budget is adhered to. Team members prepare budget statements for PTA meetings in cooperation with the Treasurer and Vice President of Budget.
Communications: This team develops, coordinates and produces all publications of the Parkway PTA. Team members will photograph Parkway events and coordinate publicity for PTA activities with the Board of Education Community Relations Director.
Enrichment: This team assists the Parkway Principal in selection of special assembly programs and guest speakers. These events are funded solely by the PTA Fall Fundraiser. Committee members participate in many other events designed to enhance the education Parkway students receive.
5th Grade Parents: This team coordinates all special events associated with Parkway's fifth graders. Committee members will be responsible for planning class field trip options and the moving up ceremony, as well as designing class t-shirts and the class memory book.
Fundraising: This team organizes all PTA fundraising events, in order to fund PTA sponsored programs as designated by the budget. Committee members plan and manage individual fundraisers as well as ongoing campaigns.
Hospitality/Social: This team provides refreshments at various PTA events, as well as acknowledging PTA support and congratulations for Parkway staff members throughout the school year. Committee members will coordinate their efforts with classroom parents as needed.
Legislation and Education: This team monitors Ewing's Board of Education and local government actions affecting Parkway School. Committee members work on securing adequate state and federal laws for the care and protection of children, on the basis of information provided by the state and national PTA. The goal of this team is to organize Parkway families to be informed and involved citizens and child advocates.
Room Parents: This team helps teachers plan and organize individual classroom events and field trips, as well as providing support for other Parkway staff members. Committee member activities will include, but are not limited to, class parties, seasonal events, chaperoning class trips, calling parents and helping in the school library.