Previous Odyssey of the Mind Teams
Congratulations, Odyssey of the Mind team and coaches!
The Parkway School Odyssey of the Mind teams were comprised of select students from 4th and 5th grades. The worked extremely hard all year long. Their hard work and determination paid off as they performed so well in their competitions this year!
On March 19, 2011, the team competed in the Regional OM Competition held at Woodstown High School. Competing under the Classics... LeTour Division, they took first place, and were able to advance to the State Competition!
On April 9, 2011, the team performed at the State Competition, held at Ewing High School. Again competing under the Classics...LeTour Division, they claimed third place!
The staff and students of Parkway School are very proud of all students and coaches who participated on the Odyssey of the Mind team this year!
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