In November 1921, the Board of Education approved a motion to build a four room school on Parkway Avenue. Mr. John Hunt hosted the Board meetings at that time. The architect was R.A. Schuman and the general contractor was Harrison and Fisher. The land was purchased from William P. Conrad. Four teachers were hired for the opening in September 1922, including one Teaching Principal. A four room addition was provided in March 1923 which included an auditorium.
Additional land on Parkside Avenue was purchased in August 1925. A second addition was built in 1927 containing two stories with four classrooms on each floor plus a gymnasium in the basement.
General renovations were made in 1962 with a new roof, aluminum windows and doors, smoke doors, electric rewiring, fire alarm system and master clock system were installed.
Teaching Principals were used until 1954 when Mrs. Mildred Murphy became a full time Principal. Over the years the staff grew to include music, art and physical education. Originally Parkway School housed grades K – 8.
Over the years, many offices, classrooms and the library were moved from room to room to assure maximum use of available space.
In March 1995 the students and staff of Parkway School moved into the current building that was designed by Farady, Thorne, Fraytak, P.C.